Top 5 Most Powerful Enlightenment Techniques

These methods empower one to:

  • Become conscious of the absolute truth of reality
  • Evolve towards happiness, understanding, freedom, and power
  • Become free of self and mind

Each section provides a brief description of the perspective and intent of each method, as well as one exemplary teacher whose work can help you learn to use it.

The description does not provide an in-depth analysis of the function, effectiveness, history, or philosophy behind the methods. Think of it as a springboard to do your own research and generate your own understanding.

It is wise to try many paths in order to create a wholistic understanding and transformation of your human condition. At this point in our development, we have many access points to truth at our disposal.

Use them all and get enlightened, you lazy fuck.

  1. Contemplation/Questioning- This approach involves asking “what
    am I”, “what is this”, “what is life” and intending to experience the Truth.

    This is by far the most effective means for increasing consciousness, as its purpose is to facilitate a massive sudden leap in your experiential
    understanding (an enlightenment). By honestly posing a question about being, webecome open to an immediate experience of what is already the case but usually unnoticed.

This method is direct, meaning there is no process by which truth is revealed,and that you are to simply be open and intend to experience the Truth in a way you were previously ignorant of. This method does not seek to transform the self or change any formed aspect, rather it seeks only to see clearly (or Be clearly).

 a. Peter Ralston– The Book of Not Knowing by Ralston provides a powerful and             comprehensive teaching on developing the skill of contemplation. Ralston provides readers with principles that allow for powerful contemplation such as honesty, questioning, authentic experience, and grounded openness. This is an indispensable resource for anyone with spiritual aspirations.

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2.     Meditation/Concentration- This method cultivates skills of concentration, clarity, and equanimity so that we may understand existence through our experience of it.

Concentration is the ability to sustain attention on a desired thing, clarity is the ability to see clearly every facet of an event with minimal distortion or blindness, and equanimity is the ability to allow all experience to come and go without clinging or avoiding.

When adept at these skills we can perceive reality in accordance with its truth, rather than our conceptual projections. When our illusions are cut through, only truth remains. When we are freed from our illusions (self, separation) we are empowered to grow into more effective and happy beings.

Shinzen Young-
Young has developed a powerfully simply formulation of this method            which can be found on his website and within his books.

One of the more powerful methods is “See, Hear, Feel,” in which the meditator resides in          their most fundamental sensory experience to arouse states of Samadhi.

3.      Abiding as Awareness/Consciousness– This method is founded upon the fact and knowledge that you are already what you seek.

It suggests that there is in fact no distance, separation, or obstacle between you and the truth. What you must do is simply be the truth now and allow your experience to be permeated by this truth.

You will begin to reevaluate your experience of self and world in the light of this context. This re-evaluation has a cascading effect, gradually recontextualizing experience to approximate or reflect the truth, making this a very powerful method.

So much of what we experience as self and life is grounded in concept and assumption. By abiding in an immediate and honest experience of this moment we begin to see the extent and effect of our ignorance, while at the same time becoming more grounded in our true nature. This one path is sufficient for coming to a deep experiential understanding.


a.  Rupert Spira- Spira’s work reads like poetry and is essentially a guided inquiry into your experience of self and world.

He leads readers to an experience of their true identity through analogy, logic, description. By repeatedly depicting your unchanging, unformed awareness, Spira brings one to an understanding of themselves that is True and free.

His work is for those interested in a mental (knowledge) based understanding and representation of the truth.

4.       Energetic/Feeling/Mind Purification- The process of purification refers to your ‘letting go’ of the many assumptions, trauma, tendencies, and limitations within the structure of your individual consciousness/mind.

This is an important component of spiritual growth because so much of our experience of things is affected by fixations. Until these fixations are released, they will continue to dominate your experience. As long as you are dominated by these unconscious patterns you will be unable to see or be the Truth.

There are many methods and ideologies surrounding this path (yoga, psychedelics, western energetic therapies, holotropic breathing). All that is suggested here is that there is something valuable to be found in this vein of inquiry.

a.  Wim Hof- Wim’s breathing technique is powerful and fun, and his philosophy is simple and grounded. Look into his teachings for a basic understanding of the mind body connection and the importance of this path.

5.       Prayer- In prayer you are consciously allowing the primordial animator of existence to affect your experience.  This means that the field in which your mind exists (of which we are usually unconscious) is allowed to inform your conscious experience.

      The power of this method comes from its ability to foster your adherence to powerful principles through a conscious surrender to them. It can also change your relationship to existence by opening to sources of information and power that are outside of your current experience and understanding.

a.       David R. Hawkins Dr. Hawkins’ perspective on prayer is non dogmatic and very useful. He speaks on the mechanics and effects of prayer in a clear and grounded way, making it a pragmatic method for spiritual development.

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